Friday, January 12, 2018

Safe In The Arms of Jesus

On December 4, 2017 God called my precious husband home.
I am so thankful for the 42 years God allowed us to be together.  
Bob was such a caring, loving, Godly man. I was truly blessed!

It is an adjustment and I miss him dearly, but I know God is in control and He will see our family through this time.

God allowed us to have this past summer and fall together as Bob was put on disability as soon as he was diagnosed with cancer.  I am so thankful for those days together.  

Things seemed to be going pretty good, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving (Bob's favorite holiday) that Sunday Bob started getting headaches again.  On Monday they did and MRI and found that the cancer on the brain was growing and spreading fast.  By the following Monday he was gone.

I will not pretend that it isn't hard, but my hope is in the Lord. My dear husband is singing and praising his Savior.  I look forward to the day I will join him in heaven, until then I will carry on and serve my Lord!



living from glory to glory said...

Hello Dear...
So glad you have written this post, as so many needed to be able to know of his passing and seeing a picture of him was very special!
I am praying for you and yes you will see him again!
You were married for a long time what a gift!

Pam said...

I have been away from blog land for so long, and just now read this. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your husband. You are in my heart and prayers this evening, and I feel with great compassion your heart and loss. I am so glad that he is in the arms of Jesus now, and I know these days are a blink in terms of eternity, and we will all be reunited with our loved ones, in that day, yet to come. I also know that the grace of God will be with you, to comfort you and undergird you. You are a very dear and precious testimony of His love and grace. May you find comfort and blessings in the every day of your life.
Much love, and Hugs and blessings to you Cheryl

Science IT and Leisure said...

God bless you