Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jesus Cares

The sign said "75% Road Ban," a warning to truckers that the pavement couldn't support loaded semis.

We need to recognize similar limitations in our own lives.  Many people reach stages in their lifelong pilgrimage when pressures exceed their coping capacity.  One more phone call, one more problem, and we'll reach critical mass or limitation.  There's only so much anyone can take.

Fortunately, God understands our limits.  Jesus referred to the people of His generation as "weary and heavy laden...worried and upset about many things...harassed and helpless."  We can still identify with those demographics today.  In fact even people filled with the Holy Spirit have a maximum burden-bearing  capacity.

Just as a footbridge wasn't designed to support a freight train, our freestanding human frame isn't rated to carry all the traffic that comes at us on any given day.  The best way to relieve the pressure is to delegate your responsibilities to the One who cares for you.

If you can trust Him with salvation, you should be able to trust Him with issues of less magnitude.  If you can count on Him for eternal life, you can trust Him with the next 24 hours.    ~Author Unknown~

Have a great Sunday afternoon!
P.S. Check one post down to enter my Party


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading all your blogs all the way back to Christmas. you do a great job Cheryl. Thanks for sharing pictures, verses, recipes,ect. Very inspiring. Linda